Sunday, 26 August 2012

Art, Donatello

Donatello (Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi;
 c. 1386 – December 13, 1466)

 This man was a (the) famous early Renaissance Italian artist and sculptor from Florence. He is partially known for his work in basso rilievo, a form of shallow relief sculpture that, in his case paved the way for many 15th-century art developments in perspective. This man is one of the leadingh lights of the Renaissance.

His long and industrious career saw him working in Florence, Padua and the back in Florence. His full life story and complete works can be found here

His main works include;

    * St. Mark (1411–1413) Orsanmichele, Florence
    * St. George Tabernacle (1415–1417) Museo Nazionale del Bargello,      Florence
    * Prophet Habacuc (1423–1425) Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence
    * The Feast of Herod ( 1425) Baptismal font, Duomo di Siena
    * David (1425–1430) Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
    * Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata (1445–1450) Piazza del Santo, Padua
    * Mary Magdalene (1455) Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence
    * Judith and Holofernes (1455–1460)  Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

dianahopeless wrote on May 19, '09
A great artist he was. It would be wonderful to see some of his work in person.
brendainmad wrote on May 18, '09
I remember seeing some of this many years ago.
hedgewitch9 wrote on May 17, '09
I LOVED studying him when at school!

Thank you for this wonderful reminder :))
veryfrank wrote on May 17, '09
There is no question that Donatello had to be a leading light of the Renaissance and perhaps the most prolific. After seeing enough of his work, it became recognizable on sight and a great enjoyment to consult the book and find out that I had it correctly identified.

Very nice to see his work here and very well done. Thank you Loretta.
welshdoug wrote on May 17, '09
ruraldiva said
A master indeed.
yes, not bad for a

Sad how few of today's youth appreciate this kind of art.
ruraldiva wrote on May 17, '09
A master indeed.
acousticeagle wrote on May 17, '09
I became fascinated by Donatello while studying HSC Art in high school. I have always especially liked the sculpture of David, depicted as a youth.
starfishred wrote on May 17, '09
oh, if only my friend.....................if only..................sighhhhhhhhhh
I am going down on the 31st. for 8 days you can come if you like really-
forgetmenot525 wrote on May 17, '09
well dear loretta we will just have to go down okay and see them in person-
oh, if only my friend.....................if only..................sighhhhhhhhhh
starfishred wrote on May 17, '09
yes i absolutely's virtually impossible to get photographs of his work that show how remarkable he was.
well dear loretta we will just have to go down okay and see them in person-
forgetmenot525 wrote on May 17, '09
the pictures just don't do him justice
yes i absolutely's virtually impossible to get photographs of his work that show how remarkable he was.
starfishred wrote on May 17, '09
Very nice loretta he is my favorite sculpterer most of his stuff is in the Bargello in florence and I go there everytime I go down-his stuff is so delicate the pictures just don't do him justice and I think he is much better than Michelangelo was.

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