Sunday, 26 August 2012

Poetry & photography, Elton John

Elton John
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
lyrics by Bernie Taupin,
When are you gonna come down

When are you going to land
I should have stayed on the farm
I should have listened to my old man

You know you can't hold me forever
I didn't sign up with you
I'm not a present for your friends to open
This boy's too young to be singing the blues
So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can't plant me in your penthouse
I'm going back to my plough

Back to the howling old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh I've finally decided my future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road

What do you think you'll do then
I bet that'll shoot down your plane
It'll take you a couple of vodka and tonics
To set you on your feet again
Maybe you'll get a replacement

There's plenty like me to be found
Mongrels who ain't got a penny

Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground


welshdoug wrote on Jun 17, '09
I just realized you could have used 'Crocodile Rock' for your previous poetry post. LOL
lol indeed
sorry about this.......
colbalt wrote on Jun 17, '09
This song always makes me cry... one of my favorite's of his even so.
My sister has everyone of his albums and saw him in concert not too long ago.

Well put together, I enjoyed this very much. :)
acousticeagle wrote on Jun 17, '09
In my opinion, Elton John's finest recording. I play this with headphones on, infrequently, but when I do I really appreciate the musical quality of it. This was his album that got him all the attention with it's genius, that is, before he went really pop. The album begins with 'Funeral for a Friend' - one of the most atmospheric of all pieces of music in my personal collection - stunning.

I have to laugh when I hear "Yellow Brick Road" to hear the English Reggie Dwight say the word 'toad' in the lyrics. He says it like 'tao-ed', but he did adopt American accent in his songs. Horny backed tao-ed, some song
veryfrank wrote on Jun 17, '09
I do like the words to this song. When I hear it, I wonder what people would expect to find beyond the yellow brick road.

forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 17, '09
welshdoug said
you could have credited these words to Bernie Taupin,
Thanks Doug...............consider it done
welshdoug wrote on Jun 17, '09
Just a suggestion, but you could have credited these words to Bernie Taupin, as he wrote Elton's lyrics....
brendainmad wrote on Jun 17, '09
I just realized you could have used 'Crocodile Rock' for your previous poetry post. LOL. Yellow is such a happy colour.
greenwytch wrote on Jun 17, '09
most excellent, loretta! ; D
starfishred wrote on Jun 17, '09
very nice loretta thanks

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