Sunday, 26 August 2012

Poetry, William blake, Spring

1789 - Songs of Innocence

by William Blake
I thought this was appropriate for the season, despite the heavy snow last week I found three tiny snowdrops poking up through the ground, a sure sign spring has  arrived and another hard, cold winter is almost behind us. I was so pleased to see these snowdrops, as soon as the first flower has arrived the others follow, next it will be the spring daffodils and then the bluebells.

Sound the Flute!

Now it's mute.
Birds delight
Day and Night
In the dale
Lark in Sky
Merrily Merrily to welcome in the Year

Little Boy
Full of joy,
Little Girl
Sweet and small,
Cock does crow
So do you.
Merry voice
Infant noise
Merrily Merrily to welcome in the Year

Little Lamb
Here I am.
Come and lick
My white neck.
Let me pull
Your soft Wool.
Let me kiss
Your soft face
Merrily Merrily we welcome in the Year


sylvie1 wrote on Mar 5, '09
asolotraveler wrote on Mar 4, '09
though we 'oft feature differing styles - you leaning classical me informal - words are such delightful companions in any form and in any weather
skeezicks1957 wrote on Feb 19, '09
Snow fell here last night but your post made me pad out to the deck and check for any crocus just in case. None there. I bet in a month or so they will peak out of the ground. A very hopeful post! TY.
sylvie1 wrote on Feb 18, '09
what a lilting rhythm. This could be put to music! Great imaginative poem. It made me just feel good.
msowens1 wrote on Feb 18, '09
how very pretty..... my snow drops are just peaking through the dirt... not formed yet, but growing.... it is promise..... she smiles....
sanssouciblogs wrote on Feb 18, '09
What a lovely piece by Blake. Let us dream!
It's still chilly here and snow/rain coming, still, we remember and we can look ahead with anticipation.
Such a sweet piece and yes, innocence for sure.
brendainmad wrote on Feb 18, '09
I've seen that they've planted a few, or should I say very few, pansies in the little park by my house. At the moment, we're having almost springlike weather, which probably won't last long since I've just had my haircut short.
I like Blake the poet but I think I prefer Blake the artist.
starfishred wrote on Feb 17, '09
no flowers here just more terrible snow and now ice-will this ever stop!
I like Blake a good poem loretta-
kathyinozarks wrote on Feb 17, '09
no flowers here yet either, lovely post-thank you so much
bennett1 wrote on Feb 17, '09
No flowers for me yet, so your blog comes as a harbinger. They are there, their heads under the blankets of leaves. Lovely picture at the bottom.
veryfrank wrote on Feb 17, '09
I am so pleased to see the flowers, so far, snowdrops, snow-bells and crocus. The Hyacinths are up a bit 'looking around.' thank you for the Blake poem, I am such a fan.

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